Data08 oktober 2023 tot 08 oktober 2023 Aantal sessie's: 1 Startuur: 13:30 Einde sessie: 16:00 Type: Dag/avond workshop
We are offering
1 Cacao serving,
mantra chanting,
a guided meditation,
sound immersion,
ending with a sharing circle
By connecting with the Spirit of Cacao, we will be supported to open our hearts a little more in a gentle way and connect with both our vulnerability and our strength, with our inner wisdom and our creativity.
From that space each one of us will set a personal intention for the event. We remain open and allow whatever arises in the moment. Thoughts or feelings might want to be recognized or just leave if they no longer serve us.
Cacao can be a great ally if we call upon its guidance.
Our inner journey will be enhanced by the vibration of sound.
Sound immersion assists us to experience more flow of qi and serenity. The vibrations bring us into the state of deep relaxation and peace. The sound bath helps to sooth the mind, let go and feel more balanced within. We will be guided by the harmonious sounds of handmade Tibetan bowls followed by alchemy crystal singing bowls.
Unprocessed emotions might emerge during the Ceremony or in the days or weeks to come.
You are welcome 15 minutes prior to the start of the event.
It is advised to eat light and not to take stimulants (alcohol, coffee, tea, tobacco, etc.) at least 2 hours before the ceremony. Be well hydrated during the day and after the session.
Your hosts for these sessions:
Katarina & Lief
Prijs 66 EUR
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